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  • indicadores
    USD $130.00

    It will become your right hand and will help mobilize your business, let someone else take control and schedules of your meetings, take care of the distribution of your calls and contact with suppliers, returning the time you need

    Opciones Tooltip
  • profesionales1
    USD $99.00

    Hired for the time you require, the online secretary is at your service to simplify your day to day, organize daily or weekly agendas and distribute pending tasks to be done.

    Opciones Tooltip
  • profesionales2
    USD $99.00

    Increase your presence on the Internet, keep in touch with your potential customer, potential sales through digital strategies that encourage potential customers.

  • profesionales4
    USD $99.00

    Hired for the time you require, the Webmaster is at your services to manage the image of your company on the network, online support of your website and development of additional services in web portals or systems.


    More time

    Spend more time with you and your family, let the other tasks that take some time remain in our hands.


    More money

    Pay much less and also save yourself a computer, work equipment, benefits, vacations, etc.


    More accompaniment

    Behind your professional there is a support team that solves the problems, trains and supports him.


    More sales

    With our professional tools, your business will look more professional and reliable, which is reflected in sales and customer acquisition.

Why choose us?

Who are we?

We specialize in the supply of remote personnel, who perform assistance, technical and commercial tasks, taking advantage of and using ICT. Our group of professionals is made up of young workers, in multiple academic disciplines with advanced mastery of technological tools, emphasis on customer service and compliance with goals and indicators. We are the basis of the success of many companies that through outsourcing with our platform, have achieved the growth of their businesses and the saving of administrative and furniture costs. Let us work for your product or service!



    Bogotá: North Point Tower, Carrera 7 # 156 - 68 torre 3 oficina 1103


    Miami: 201 S. Biscayne Boulevard 28th Floor, Miami, FL 33131


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